Serie von zwei Zeichnungen, je 100 x 140 cm
Bleistift auf Papier
Private Collection Stella Leder
The large-scale drawings were created from two collages, based on images from two books found in Jerusalem. Both books are from the 1960s and are titled Israel’s Security and The Kibbutz. One contains images from the early days of the Israeli Defense Forces, showing soldiers, their equipment, and scenes of smoke and battle. The other offers glimpses into daily life in the kibbutzim, such as women dancing in a circle during the Shavuot festival, which is similar to the German harvest festival.
The women and girls in these images are strongly associated with female figures from the Old Testament, such as Ruth, Miriam, and Hagar, whose stories address the patriarchal structures in ancient Israel while also having a significant influence on shaping the future. In light of the current global challenges and conflicts, the central message of this work calls for a greater inclusion and empowerment of women in all areas of life—as an act of change and hope for the future.